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Version: 3.x


Nutgram provides a better way to create keyboards.

Inline Keyboard

The InlineKeyboard class helps you to create inline keyboards. Here is an example:

$bot->onCommand('start', function(Nutgram $bot){
$bot->sendMessage('Welcome!', [
'reply_markup' => InlineKeyboardMarkup::make()
InlineKeyboardButton::make('A', callback_data: 'type:a'),
InlineKeyboardButton::make('B', callback_data: 'type:b')

$bot->onCallbackQueryData('type:a', function(Nutgram $bot){
'text' => 'You selected A'

$bot->onCallbackQueryData('type:b', function(Nutgram $bot){
'text' => 'You selected B'

To handle inline keyboard callbacks as a Menu, you can check the Inline Menu section.

Reply Keyboard

The ReplyKeyboard class helps you to create reply keyboards. Here is an example:

$bot->onCommand('start', function(Nutgram $bot){
$bot->sendMessage('Welcome!', [
'reply_markup' => ReplyKeyboardMarkup::make()->addRow(
KeyboardButton::make('Give me food!'),
KeyboardButton::make('Give me animal!'),

$bot->onText('Give me food!', function (Nutgram $bot) {

$bot->onText('Give me animal!', function (Nutgram $bot) {

Optional keyboard parameters

You can pass optional parameters to the ReplyKeyboardMarkup class:

resize_keyboard: true,
one_time_keyboard: true,
input_field_placeholder: 'Type something',
selective: true,

Check the Telegram API documentation for more information.

Remove the Reply Keyboard

To remove the reply keyboard, you can use the ReplyKeyboardRemove class:

$bot->onCommand('cancel', function (Nutgram $bot) {
$bot->sendMessage('Removing keyboard...', [
'reply_markup' => ReplyKeyboardRemove::make(true),

Force Reply

The ForceReply class helps you to force the user to reply to a message. Here is an example:

$bot->onCommand('start', function(Nutgram $bot){
$bot->sendMessage('Welcome!', [
'reply_markup' => ForceReply::make(
force_reply: true,
input_field_placeholder: 'Type something',
selective: true,