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Version: 3.x

Mock incoming responses


After you have configured your hearing method, to test a custom response from Telegram you have to mock the received data. To do that, the framework gives you some methods to automatically generate incoming responses.


We assume that the $this->bot is loaded as mentioned on the Introduction page.

->willReceivePartial(['dice' => ['emoji' => '🎲', 'value' => 4]])
->assertReplyMessage(['dice' => ['emoji' => '🎲', 'value' => 4]]);

Available Methods


The willReceive will mock an entire response. The ok parameter is optional.

'message_id' => 1234,
'date' => 1647284950,
'from' => [
'id' => 123456789,
'is_bot' => true,
'username' => 'nutgrambot',
'first_name' => 'nutgrambot',
'chat' => [
'id' => 12345,
'type' => 'private',
'username' => 'nutgram',
'first_name' => 'foo',
'last_name' => 'bar',
'dice' => [
'emoji' => '🎲',
'value' => 4
], ok: true);


The willReceivePartial will mock a partial response. The ok parameter is optional.

'dice' => [
'emoji' => '🎲',
'value' => 4
], ok: true);


The willStartConversation will cache userId and chatId.
Useful when used with assertActiveConversation and assertNoConversation.
The remember parameter is optional.

->willStartConversation(remember: true);


The withoutMiddleware will remove the listed middlewares from the global middleware list.



The overridemiddleware will override the global middleware list with the listed middlewares.
