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Version: 3.x


Instead of installing the base nutgram/nutgram base package, you have to install the bundle version:

composer require nutgram/symfony-bundle

# remove the base package if you have installed it:
# composer remove nutgram/nutgram

If you are not using Symfony Flex, you have to register the bundle inside your bundles.php config file.


Config files

A Flex recipe is not available yet, but there is a console command that will create the config/telegram.php, where you should register your handlers, and config/packages/nutgram.yaml, the bundle config file:

php bin/console nutgram:init

And in your .env file, you should also define the TELEGRAM_TOKEN:


services.yaml configuration

To make the most of Symfony's dependency injection, you should choose a namespace under which to place your commands, handlers, conversations, menus ... By default, we advice to put under App\Telegram, and configure it in this way:

# config/services.yaml


# ... other configs ...

# Nutgram handlers
public: true
shared: false
resource: '../src/Telegram'

Set public to true, so the framework is able to inject services in your handlers using the symfony container, and shared to false, otherwise it will store the conversations instances, and you will not able to proceed with the conversation steps.

And you folder tree should be something like this, for example:

├─ Telegram/
│ ├─ Command/
│ │ ├─ StartCommand.php
│ │ ├─ HelpCommand.php
│ ├─ Middleware/
│ │ ├─ GetUser.php
│ ├─ Conversation/
│ ├─ Menu/

Enable conversation refresh

Not mandatory, but highly recommended, explained here. This allows you to inject services, such as Doctrine repositories, Twig templates, translators, and so on (which are not usually serializable). You can put the call on top of the config/telegram.php route file:

// config/telegram.php

/** @var SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram $bot */

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;


// ...


The bundle automatically registers these additional commands:

  • nutgram:init
    • Creates the initial config files
  • nutgram:hook:info
    • Get current webhook status
  • nutgram:hook:remove {--d|drop-pending-updates}
    • Remove the bot webhook
  • nutgram:hook:set {url}
    • Set the bot webhook
  • nutgram:register-commands
  • nutgram:run
    • Start the bot in long polling mode. Useful in development mode.
  • nutgram:logout {--d|drop-pending-updates}
    • Log out from the cloud Bot API server


If you are using Monolog, the framework automatically binds on these two channels:

# config/packages/monolog.yaml

- deprecation
- nutgram_console # logs here only when runs in background processes (console)
- nutgram # logs here in any other case

# if you are using polling for development, create a new stdout channel for the console
# to see the requests in real time
# ...
type: stream
path: "php://stdout"
channels: [ "nutgram_console" ]


The framework automatically get configured by Symfony if you have installed symfony/cache, the only thing you have to do is define a cache pool for the framework:

# config/packages/cache.yaml

# ...

adapter: cache.adapter.redis # or whatever adapter you want
tags: true

Webhook updates

When running inside a web context, the Webhook running mode is automatically configured and handlers automatically loaded.


namespace App\Controller;

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class FrontController extends AbstractController
#[Route('/hook', name: 'app_webhook')]
public function hook(Nutgram $bot): Response

return new Response();