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Version: 2.x


The framework supports some automatic mocking features that allows you to easily create unit tests for your application. Given the framework-agnostic nature, you are free to use the test library you want (PHPUnit, PEST, etc), in the examples shown PHPUnit will be used.

The framework can be instantiated as a Fake instance, all the requests to the Telegram API are stored inside a history, and a mocked response is generated accordingly. In this way, you can test your business logic, without having to interact at all with the Telegram API.

Getting a Fake instance


If you are using Laravel, checkout the section in the Laravel Integration page to see how to get automatically the fake instance!

How to get a fake instance:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class BotTest extends TestCase
public function test_retrieve_mocked_instance(): void
$bot = Nutgram::fake();

// ...

The $bot instance tho, is a clean one with no handlers/middleware registered, so you should have somewhere a method that register them, for example:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Testing\FakeNutgram;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class BotTest extends TestCase
private FakeNutgram $bot;

public function setUp(): void
$this->bot = Nutgram::fake();

public function test_retrieve_mocked_instance(): void
// define assertions
->assertReply('sendMessage', ['text' => 'bar'], 0);
->assertReply('sendMessage', ['text' => 'baz'], 1);

Base Methods


Executes run a mocked update (and mocked responses) though the bot handlers. It should be called after the "will" methods and "hears" methods.

It's like calling the ->run() method, that also prepare the instance for further assertions and tests.

dump() && dd()

To be used wil debugging, it will dump the request generated by the bot. dump will output to console, while the dd will also halt the execution.


It empties all the internal caches.


Returns an associative array with the request generated by the bot, and the mocked response.