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Version: 1.x



If you are using the Webhook update mode, you need a persistent cache adapter to use this feature!


Often, compared to a simple question and answer, you have to make the user perform a series of steps in a certain sequence: the framework implements a conversations system, that allows you to create funnels with which you can make your users perform a series of steps.

sequenceDiagram User-->>Bot: Send a message Note over Bot: run the first step, and serializes the conversation Bot-->>User: Reply with the first step User-->>Bot: Send reply to the first step Note over Bot: deserializes the conversation, run the second step and the conversation ends Bot-->>User: Reply with the second step

Creating Conversations

To create a conversation, you must define a class that extends the framework Conversation class:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

public function start(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('This is the first step!');

public function secondStep(Nutgram $bot)

$bot = new Nutgram($_ENV['TOKEN']);

$bot->onCommand('start', MyConversation::class);

  • Wait wait, whats going on here?
    • When the user type "/start" for the first time, the first step of conversation is invoked, by default is the start method.
    • At the end of the first step, we define the next step of the conversation, setting the name of the next function, that will be serialized to cache.
    • In the second step, we are ending the conversation.

If a conversation is not explicitly terminated with the end(), at the user next message will repeat the lastest saved step!

If you want to customize the name of the first step, you just need to override the $step property from conversation:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

protected ?string $step = 'myStart';

public function myStart(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('This is the first step!');

// ...

A more complete example:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;use SergiX44\Nutgram\Telegram\Types\Keyboard\InlineKeyboardButton;use SergiX44\Nutgram\Telegram\Types\Keyboard\InlineKeyboardMarkup;

class AskIceCreamConversation extends Conversation {

protected ?string $step = 'askCupSize';

public $cupSize;

public function askCupSize(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('How big should be you ice cream cup?', [
'reply_markup' => InlineKeyboardMarkup::make()
->addRow(InlineKeyboardButton::make('Small', callback_data: 'S'), InlineKeyboardButton::make('Medium', callback_data: 'M'))
->addRow(InlineKeyboardButton::make('Big', callback_data: 'L'), InlineKeyboardButton::make('Super Big', callback_data: 'XL')),

public function askFlavors(Nutgram $bot)
// if is not a callback query, ask again!
if (!$bot->isCallbackQuery()) {

$this->cupSize = $bot->callbackQuery()->data;

$bot->sendMessage('What flavors do you like?');

public function recap(Nutgram $bot)
$flavors = $bot->message()->text;
$bot->sendMessage("You want an $this->cupSize cup with this flavors: $flavors");

Begin a Conversation

As you have already seen in the previous examples, conversation can be used in replacement for handlers:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\StartConversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

$bot = new Nutgram($_ENV['TOKEN']);

$bot->onCommand('start', StartConversation::class);


But, you can also start a conversation at any time from another handlers, with the begin method:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\StartConversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

$bot = new Nutgram($_ENV['TOKEN']);

$bot->onCommand('start', function (Nutgram $bot) {
// do stuff
StartConversation::begin($bot); // the first step will be automatically fired


Funnel Escaping

By default, sends a message that match with a typed specific handler, the current conversation will be discarded, in any case, it may be necessary to force the user inside a funnel (for example in a settings modification flow):

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

// ..

public function step(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('This is the first step!');

// ..

In this way, your will force the next step execution.


By default, global middlewares are also applied before the conversation step, there may be situations, however, where you want to be avoided (e.g. in a registration flow):

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

// ..

public function step(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('This is the first step!');

// ..

In this way, your next step will be executed without any middleware before.

The two options before are also stackable:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

// ..

public function step(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('This is the first step!');

// ..

Ending a conversation

You can define a method that will be called once the current conversation is terminated:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Conversations\Conversation;
use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

class MyConversation extends Conversation {

public function step(Nutgram $bot)
$bot->sendMessage('Time to say goodbye!');
* This method will be called!
public function closing(Nutgram $bot)

The closing method will be called every time a conversation is terminated, due to explicit call to end, or because funnel escaping.

This is useful for shutting stuff down, saving to a database or simply let the user know that the conversation is terminated.

Procedural Usage

It's possible to start a conversation also without a OOP approach, in this way:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

$bot = new Nutgram($_ENV['TOKEN']);

$bot->onCommand('start', 'firstStep');

function firstStep(Nutgram $bot)
// do stuff

function secondStep(Nutgram $bot)
// do stuff


Using conversations in this way, you will not be able to skip middlewares or skip handlers!

By default, it will always allow funnel escaping and will always apply global middlewares.

Inline Usage

For very short conversations, you can also define the next step as a closure, with the same limitations of the procedural usage:

use SergiX44\Nutgram\Nutgram;

$bot = new Nutgram($_ENV['TOKEN']);

$bot->onCommand('start', function (Nutgram $bot) {
// step one
$bot->stepConversation(function (Nutgram $bot){
// step two
